Disneyland Brochures and Maps
BACKSTORY: Disneyland is known for its maps, brochures, and tickets. Here is an ever-expanding list in chronological order (of course!). Please note that all text and spellings are taken directly from the original vintage printed material, and have not been corrected, to give you the most "authentic" experience of visiting The Park back in the day.
If you have a cool vintage brochure or map that you'd like to share, feel free to email me via the Contact button above and let me know!
Attractions, Exhibits, & Shows: Santa Fe & Disneyland RR Freight & Passenger Train Rides, Main Street Cinema, Wurlitzer’s Victorian & Modern Displays, Main Street Arcade, Upjohn Modern Display, Street Railway (Horse Car)
Food & Refreshment: Red Wagon Inn, Carnation’s Ice Cream Parlor, Coca Cola Soft Drinks Parlor, Puffin’s Bakery, Brooks’ Candyland, Sunny-View’s Jams, Jellies, Fresh Candied Fruit, Maxwell House Coffee House
Attractions, Exhibits, & Shows: Explorer’s Boat Ride through the rivers of Mexico, Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and Australia, Arboretum, Lawson Engr.’s Bazaar
Food & Refreshment: Grand Central Concessionaire’s Plaza Pavilion
Attractions, Exhibits, & Shows: Block Houses, Log Fort, Frontier Shooting Gallery, Jemrocks’ Assay Office, Bone Carvers, Pendleton Woolen Mills’ Sportswear & Saddlery, Trading Post, Pepsi-Cola’s Golden Horseshoe, Mark Twain River Boat Ride, Painted Desert
Food & Refreshment: Swift’s Chicken Plantation Restaurant, Fritos Mexican Food, Quaker Oats’ Aunt Jemima Pancake House, UPT Concessions’ Food & Beverage Stands
Attractions, Exhibits, & Shows: Mickey Mouse Theater, Snow White Ride-Thru, Mr. Toad’s Motorcar Ride, Peter Pan Fly-Thru, King Arthur Carousel, Mad Tea Party Ride, Casey Jr. Ride, Dumbo the Flying Elephant Ride, Canal Boats of the World
Food & Refreshment: Van Camp’s “Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship,” UPT Concessions’ Food & Beverage Stands, Welch’s Beverage Stand
Attractions, Exhibits, & Shows: Clock of the World, Space Station X-1, American Motors’ “Cir-Car-Ama” Exhibit, Monsanto Chemical’s “Where Chemistry Works Wonders for You” Exhibit, Richfield’s “Years Ahead” Exhibit, National Lead’s “The Dutch Boy Color Clock” Paint Exhibit, “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” Exhibit, Kaiser Aluminum’s “Brightest Star in the World of Metals” Exhibit, Crane’s “Bathrooom of Tomorrow” Exhibit, American Dairy’s “Today’s Food Builds Tomorrow’s Man” Exhibit, Speedboat Rides, Richfield’s Autopia Freeway, TWA’s Rocket to the Moon; TWA’s Rocket Pylon
Food & Refreshment: UPT Concessions’ Stratosnak
Attractions: Main Street Cinema, Horse-drawn Fire Engine, Passenger Train, Penny Arcade, Horse-drawn Streetcars, Surrey Ride, Omnibus, Shooting Gallery, Horseless CarriageFree Exhibits & Shows: Pianos & Organs (Wurlitzer), Bank of America, Upjohn Pharmacy, Locks and Keys (Yale & Towne), Swift Market House, Corsets & Torsolettes (Hollywood-Maxwell), Camera Store Exhibit (Eastman)
Food & Refreshment: Coffee House (Maxwell House), Ice Cream Parlor (Carnation Co.), Puffin Bakery, Refreshment Corner (Coca-Cola Co.), Refreshment Stand (Railroad Station)
Attractions: Jungle River Boat Ride
Food & Refreshment: Pavillion, Tropical “Saloon” and Cantina, Refreshment Stand
Attractions: Conestoga (Covered Wagon) Ride, Stagecoach Ride, Mule Pack Ride, Mike Fink’s Keel Boat Ride, Indian War Canoe Rides & Village, Tom Sawyer Island Raft Ride, Western Freight Train Ride, Rainbow Caverns Mine Ride, Mark Twain Riverboat RideFree Exhibits & Shows: Golden Horseshoe Saloon (Pepsi-Cola presents complete Old Western Stage Show)
Food & Refreshment: Chicken Plantation Restaurant, Golden Horseshoe (Pepsi Cola), Oaks Tavern (Malt Shop), Casa de Fritos, Pancake House (Aunt Jemima), Davy Crockett Cantina, Refreshment Stand
Attractions: Carrousel, Casey Jr. Train, Dumbo The Flying Elephant, Mad Hatter Tea Cup Ride, Mickey Mouse Club Cartoon Theater, Mr. Toad’s Wild Car Ride, Peter Pan Ride, Skyway Ride to Tomorrowland, Storybook Land Canal Boat Ride, Snow White Adventures Ride
Food & Refreshment: Grape Juice Stand (Welch’s), Pirate Ship Restaurant (Chicken of the Sea), Food and Refreshment Stands
Attractions: Astrojet, Autopia Cars and Freeway, Rocket to the Moon, Skyway Ride to Fantasyland, Space Station X-1, Tomorrowland Boats, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea ExhibitFree Exhibits & Shows: American Dairy Association, Aluminum in our Future (Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp.), Crane Exhibit (Bathroom of Tomorrow), Dutch Boy (Our Future in Colors), American Motors Circarama (Movies that Surround You), Richfield Oil Corporation (“The World Beneath Us” Cinemascope Technicolor Cartoon & Diorama), Monsanto Hall of Chemistry (Chemistry Contributes to Tomorrow’s Living)
Food & Refreshment: Dairy Bar (American Dairy Association), Yacht Club, Space Bar
...is America at the turn of the century, at the dawn of a new era.
NEW Attraction: The Grand Canyon Diorama
Special Shows & Exhibits: Wurlitzer Music Hall, Upjohn Pharmacy, Swift’s Market House, Eastman Kodak, North American Companies, Yale & Towne
Food & Refreshment: Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Coca Cola Refreshment Corner, Puffin Bakery, Red Wagon Inn, The Pavillion
...a cruise down mysterious tropic rivers, where adventure lurks around every bend.
Food & Refreshment:
Cantina, Refreshment Center
...is the colorful drama of Frontier America in the days of the covered wagon and the stage coach.NEW Attraction: The “Columbia”Special Shows & Exhibits: Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe RevueFood & Refreshment: Aunt Jemima’s Kitchen, Casa de Fritos, Oaks Tavern, Pepsi Cola’s Golden Horseshoe, Silver Banjo Barbecue, Malt Shop, Refreshment Center, Nesbitt Orange Drink Center, Chicken Plantation,
...the world of imagination, hopes and dreams, dedicated to the young-in-heart.
NEW Attraction: Alice in Wonderland
Food & Refreshment: Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, Food Centers, Refreshment Centers, Welch Grape Juice Arbor
...the Atomic Age of the future portraying the challenge of outer space.
Special Shows & Exhibits: Monsanto’s House of the Future, Kaiser Aluminum, Crane Company “Fun with Water,” Richfield Diorama “The Story of Oil,” Dutch Boy Color Gallery of Paints, Monsanto Hall of Chemistry
Food & Refreshment: Space Bar, Yacht Bar, Dairy Bar

Reader Susan from Fresno was extremely generous to send me these images from a guidebook that she got on her trip to Disneyland in July of 1958.
“I remember when we looked thru the Souvenir Guidebook and viewed Dreaming on page 26 we were so excited about the Haunted House and Submarine Ride coming attractions!”
To see photos from Susan’s July 1958 trip, visit my Skyway page.
Attractions: Main Street Horse Cars, Main Street Cinema, Horse-Drawn Surreys, Fire Engines, Horseless Carriages, Omnibus, Shooting Gallery-Main Street, SF & D Excursion Train, SF & D Passenger Train, SF & D Freight TrainSpecial Shows & Exhibits: Eastman Kodak, North America Companies (“Carefree Corner”), Upjohn Pharmacy, Swift’s Market House, Wurlitzer Music Hall, Yale & Towne
Food & Refreshment: Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Plaza Gardens, Coca Cola Refreshment Corner, Sunkist Citrus House, Red Wagon Inn, The Pavillion, Hills Bros. Coffee House and Garden
Attractions: Rivers of the World Jungle Boat Cruise
Food & Refreshment: Cantina
Attractions: Mine Train Through Nature’s Wonderland, Indian War Canoes, Mike Fink Keel Boats, Shooting Gallery-Frontierland, Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, Columbia, The Mark Twain, Pack Mules through Nature’s Wonderland
Special Shows & Exhibits: Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe Revue
Food & Refreshment: Oaks Tavern, Pepsi Cola’s Golden Horseshoe, Silver Banjo Barbecue, Nesbitt Orange Drink Center, Chicken Plantation, Aunt Jemima’s Kitchen, Casa de Fritos
Attractions: King Arthur Carrousel, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Midget Autopia, Mickey Mouse Cloub Theatre, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Dumbo Flying Elephants, Mad Tea Party, Peter Pan Flight, Storybook Land Canal Boats, Motor Boat Cruise, Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Snow White’s Adventures, Skyway to Tomorrowland, Fantasyland Autopia, Matterhorn Bobsleds
Food & Refreshment: Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, Food Centers, Welch Grape Juice Arbor
Attractions: Art of Animation, 20,000 Leagues Exhibit, Tomorrowland Autopia, Skyway to Fantasyland, Astrojet, Submarine Voyage, Monorail Trains, Moon Rocket, Flying Saucers
Special Shows & Exhibits: Monsanto’s House of the Future, Bell Telephone (“America The Beautiful”), Dutch Boy, Monsanto Hall of Chemistry
Food & Refreshment: Space Bar, Yacht Bar
Attractions: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad Trains, Omnibus, Horseless Carriages, Main Street Horse Cars, Horse-Drawn Surreys, “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln,” Fire Engine, Main Street Cinema, Penny Arcade
Special Shows & Exhibits: Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Timex Watches, Hallmark Communication Center, Ken-L-Ration, Ken-L-Land, Global Van Lines, C&H Sugar Corner, Santa Fe Railroad, Coca Cola Refreshment Corner, Upjohn Pharmacy, Wurlitze Music Hall, Bank of America, Eastman Kodak, Swift’s Market House, I.N.A.’s Carefree Corner
Food & Drink: The Plaza Inn, The Plaza Pavilion, Carnation Plaza Gardens, Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Hills Bros. Coffee Shop, C&H Sugar Corner, Coca Cola Refreshment Corner, Sunkist Citrus House
Attractions: Jungle Cruise, Swiss Family Robinson Tree House, Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room, Big Game Gallery
Special Shows & Exhibits: United Airlines Presents Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room
Food & Drink: Sunkist, I Presume, The Tahitian Terrace
Attractions: The Mark Twain, The Columbia, Western Mine Train, Mule Pack Train, Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, Mike Fink Keel Boats, Indian War Canoes, Shooting Gallery—Frontierland
Special Shows & Exhibits: Pepsi Cola Golden Horseshoe Review Review, Pendleton Woolens
Food & Beverage: Aunt Jemima Kitchen, Casa de Fritos, Pepsi-Cola’s Golden Horseshoe, Calico Kate’s Pantry Shop, Frontierland Malt Shop, Frontierland Ice Cream Shop, Indian Village Snack Bar
Attractions: Sleeping Beauty Castle, Peter Pan Flight, King Arthur Carousel, Snow White’s Adventures, Mad Tea Party, Fantasyland Theatre, Dumbo Flying Elephants, Skyway to Tomorrowland, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Storybook Land Canal Boats, Motor Boat Cruises, Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride
Food & Drink: Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant, Welch’s Grape Juice
Attractions: Rocket to the Moon, Tomorrowland Autopia, Skyway to Fantasyland, Monorail Trains, Submarine Voyage, Astro-Jet, Matterhorn Bobsleds, 20,000 Leagues Exhibit, The Art of Animation
Special Shows & Exhibits: Monsanto House of the Future, Monsanto Hall of Chemistry & The Fashions and Fabrics Exhibit, Disneyland-Alweg Monorail, Douglas Rocket to the Moon, Bell System America the Beautiful, Richfield Autopia
Attractions: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad through the Grand Canyon and Primeval World, Omnibus, Horseless Carriages, Main Street Horsecars, Surrey, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (presented by Lincoln Savings & Loan Assn.), Fire Engine, Cinema, Penny Arcade
Special Exhibits & Services: Bank of America, Eastman Kodak, Global Van Lines Locker Service and Lost & Found, Hallmark Communications Center, I.N.A. Carefree Corner, The Market House (Main St. General Store–Swift & Co., C&H Sugar Corner and Sunsweet Growers), Timex, Upjohn Apothecary, Western Printing (Main St. Book Store), Baby Station, First Aid, Kal Kan (Pet Inn Main Entrance)
Food & Beverage: Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Carnation Plaza Gardens, Coca-Cola Refreshment Corner, Hills Bros. Coffee House & Garden, The Plaza Inn, The Plaza Pavilion, Sunkist Citrus House
Attractions: Jungle River Cruise, Swiss Family Treehouse, Enchanted Tiki Room (presented by United Air Lines), Big Game Safari Shooting Gallery
Food & Beverage: Sunkist, I Presume, Tahitian Terrace
Attractions: Mark Twain Steamboat, Columbia Sailing Ship, Nature’s Wonderland Mine Train, Pack Mules, Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, Mike Fink Keelboats, Indian Village, Indian War Canoes, Shooting Gallery, Columbia Museum, The Golden Horseshoe Revue (presented by Pepsi Cola), Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad
Special Exhibits & Services: Pendleton Woolen Mills
Food & Beverage: Aunt Jemima’s Kitchen, Casa de Fritos, Pepsi-Cola’s Golden Horseshoe
Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates Arcade Museum
Food & Beverage:
Blue Bayou Restaurant, Creole Café, French Market House
Attractions: Sleeping Beauty Castle, It’s A Small World (presented by Bank of America), Peter Pan Flight, King Arthur Carousel, Snow White’s Adventures, Mad Tea Party, Fantasyland Theatre, Dumbo Flying Elephants, Skyway to Tomorrowland, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Storybook Land Canal Boats, Motor Boat Cruise, Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Fantasyland Autopia
Food & Beverage: Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant, Welch’s Grape Juice
Attractions: America the Beautiful (presented by the Bell System), Carousel of Progress (presented by General Electric), PeopleMover (presented by Goodyear), Flight to the Moon (presented by McDonnell Douglas), Adventure thru Inner Space (presented by Monsanto), Tomorrowland Autopia (presented by Atlantic-Richfield), Skyway to Fantasyland, Disneyland-Alweg Monorail System, Submarine Voyage, Rocket Jets, Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad Station
Food & Beverage: Coca-Cola Tomorrowland Terrace
Adventures and Attractions: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, Omnibus, Horseless Carriage, Main Street Horse Cars, Surrey, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln presented by Lincoln Savings & Loan Association, Fire Engine, Main Street Cinema, Penny ArcadeFree Exhibits: Walt Disney—A Legacy for the Future, Market House (C & H Sugar Corner, Sunsweet Growers, Burry’s Cookies), Upjohn Pharmacy, Eastman Kodak Exhibit
Food & Refreshments: Hills Bros. Coffee House & Garden, Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, Sunkist Citrus House, Coke Refreshment Corner, Plaza Pavilion, Plaza Inn, Carnation Plaza Gardens
Adventures and Attractions:
Jungle River Cruise, Swiss Family Treehouse, United Airlines Enchanted Tiki Room, Big Game Safari
Food & Refreshments:
Sunkist “I Presume,” Tahitian Terrace, Tiki Juice Bar
Adventures and Attractions: Shooting Gallery, Mark Twain Steamboat, Columbia Sailing Ship (Summer Only), Mine Train Ride, Pack Mules, Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, Mike Fink Keelboats, Columbia Museum, Indian War Canoes, Santa Fe & Disneyland RailroadFree Shows and Exhibits: Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe Revue, Indian Village (weekends only), Frontierland Arcade Gun Collection
Food & Refreshments: Casa de Fritos, Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe, Oaks Tavern, Burrito Wagon (Weekends only), Aunt Jemima’s Kitchen, Indian Village (Weekends only), Fort Wilderness Snack Bar
Adventures and Attractions: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates Arcade Museum, Haunted Mansion
Food & Refreshments: The Blue Bayou Restaurant, The Creole Café, The French Market, The Mint Julep Bar, Royal Street Veranda
Adventures and Attractions: Sleeping Beauty Castle, Peter Pan “Flight,” King Arthur Carrousel, Snow White’s Adventures, Mad Tea Party, Fantasyland Theatre, Dumbo Flying Elephants, Skyway to Tomorrowland, Casey Jr. Circus Train, “It’s A Small World” presented by Bank of America, Storybook Land Canal Boats, Motor Boat Cruise, Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride
Food & Refreshments: Pirate Ship Restaurant, Welch’s Grape Juice Bar, Character Food Stands
Adventures and Attractions: Richfield Autopias, Skyway to Fantasyland, Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, Disneyland Alweg Monorail Trains, Submarine Voyage, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Rocket Jets, Goodyear PeopleMover, McDonell Douglas Flight to the Moon
Free Shows & Exhibits: Bell System’s America the Beautiful, General Electric’s Carousel of Progress, Monsanto’s Adventure Thru Inner Space
Food & Refreshments: Coca-Cola Tomorrowland Terrace, The Space Bar